Massage Treatments

Customised pregnancy massage therapy

At Gold Coast Pregnancy Massage, we personalize every treatment to meet your specific needs.

Whether you prefer a comprehensive full-body massage or targeted attention on specific areas like the back or shoulders, our services are tailored to your preferences.

Our pregnancy massage therapist offers a range of massage depths, depending on your preferences and needs.

1 hour consultation $100

Pregnancy focused remedial massage, relaxation massage or a blend of remedial and relaxation.

1.5 hour consultation $145

Prenatal and Post Natal focused remedial massage, relaxation massage or a combination of remedial and relaxation techniques tailored to your needs.

Gold Coast Pregnancy Massage Therapist

How Pregnancy Massage Therapy Can Help You?

Pregnancy massage a soothing therapy, offers expectant mothers a multitude of benefits, making it a worthwhile investment. Professional pregnancy massages are tailored specifically to the needs of pregnant women, ensuring both safety and effectiveness.

During pregnancy, various physical discomforts such as back pain, leg pain, and hip pain can arise. A professional massage effectively targets these issues, offering significant relief. Additionally, pregnancy can be a time of heightened emotional stress. Massage therapy reduces cortisol levels while increasing serotonin and dopamine, enhancing mood and overall emotional well-being.

Improved sleep is another significant benefit. Many pregnant women experience sleep disturbances, and massage can help improve sleep quality by reducing discomfort and promoting relaxation.

Prenatal Massage Gold Coast

Prenatal Massage

Stress And Anxiety Massage Gold Coast

Stress, anxiety, fatigue.

Gold Coast Massage For Pregnancy - Breastfeeding Discomfort


Post Natal Massage Gold Coast

Post-natal Massage

For a pregnancy massage, we ensure utmost comfort and safety by using a side-lying position, supported with carefully placed pillows. This method is both comfortable and safe, accommodating the unique contours and needs of a pregnant body. To maintain privacy and warmth, we cover the body with a large towels. We consciously avoid using massage tables with holes, as they may not provide adequate support for the abdomen and can cause unnecessary back strain and discomfort. This approach ensures a relaxing and secure experience for the expectant mother throughout the massage session.

Certainly, you can receive a massage while breastfeeding. Breastfeeding often involves sustained positions that can lead to muscular discomfort. To ensure your comfort during the massage, we use pillows strategically to provide support and avoid exerting too much pressure on the breasts. This consideration is important for maintaining comfort, especially given the sensitivity that can accompany breastfeeding. Our approach is tailored to accommodate your needs, taking into account various factors to ensure a relaxing and beneficial massage experience.

Certainly, you can claim the massage through your private health insurance. At Gold Coast Pregnancy Massage, our therapists are qualified in both Remedial and Pregnancy massage. This qualification enables you to claim your massage treatment with your private health fund. However, it’s important to ensure that Remedial massage is included in your extras policy. We recommend checking your policy details or contacting your health fund directly to confirm your coverage and rebates.

Our skilled massage therapists on the Gold Coast begin by understanding your unique pregnancy journey discussion and completing our introductory consent form.

We prioritize your comfort, allowing you to undress for optimal skin access or remain partially clothed, ensuring your modesty is safeguarded with a soft towel.

Experience the gentle touch that sets pregnancy massages apart. Our remedial therapists in Southport expertly blend remedial and relaxation techniques, creating a soothing and beneficial session explicitly tailored for prenatal and post-natal mothers.

Embrace the difference with modified positions that cater to the needs of your pregnancy, ensuring maximum relaxation and safety. Elevate your prenatal care journey with Gold Coast Pregnancy Massage – enquire now and let the transformation begin!

Pregnancy massage provides alleviation for common discomforts such as back pain, leg pain, and hip and pelvic pain experienced during pregnancy. Utilizing specialized fluid drainage techniques, it effectively reduces swelling in limbs.

Consistent pregnancy massage contributes to preparing the body for the physical demands of a natural birth by promoting muscle balance and flexibility.

Additional advantages and outcomes encompass:

  • Alleviation of muscular aches and tension
  • Enhancement of circulation
  • Diminution of swelling in hands and legs
  • Mitigation of fatigue
  • Reduction of stress on weight-bearing joints
  • Promotion of relaxation for the mother
  • Release of endorphins
  • Facilitation of restful sleep

Pregnancy massage proves beneficial in addressing:

  • Headaches
  • Pain resulting from altered biomechanics (walking/standing patterns)
  • Relief from muscle spasms and cramps
  • Alleviation of lower back pain and sciatica
  • Reduction of swelling and fluid retention
  • Improvement in sleep quality
Pregnancy Massage Gold Coast

Musculoskeletal changes throughout pregnancy.

Throughout pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes various musculoskeletal changes to accommodate the growing fetus and prepare for childbirth. These changes are gradual and impact different parts of the body:

  1. Weight Gain and Shift in Center of Gravity: As the fetus grows, the mother's weight increases, shifting her center of gravity forward. This shift can affect balance and posture, leading to adjustments in the way she walks and moves.
  2. Changes in Posture: To compensate for the increased weight in the abdomen, many women develop an increased curvature of the lower back, or lumbar lordosis. This change in posture can lead to back pain and discomfort.
  3. Pelvic Changes: The hormone relaxin, which increases during pregnancy, loosens ligaments and joints in the pelvis to prepare for childbirth. While this is necessary for delivery, it can also cause pelvic pain and instability, known as symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD).
  4. Abdominal Muscle Stretching: The expanding uterus stretches the abdominal muscles, particularly the rectus abdominis. This stretching can sometimes lead to a condition called diastasis recti, where the muscles separate along the midline.
  5. Back Pain: The combination of a shift in the center of gravity, changes in posture, and the loosening of ligaments can contribute to back pain, especially in the lower back.
  6. Joint Stress: The added weight puts extra stress on joints, particularly the knees and ankles, which can lead to discomfort and swelling.
  7. Breast Enlargement: An increase in breast size can add to the strain on the back and shoulders, sometimes leading to tension and pain in these areas.
  8. Altered Center of Balance: The shift in weight and body shape can alter a woman’s center of balance, making her more prone to falls and affecting her mobility.
  9. Increased Fluid Retention: This can lead to swelling in various parts of the body, including the extremities, contributing to discomfort and mobility issues.

These changes are a natural part of pregnancy and vary in intensity among different individuals. It's important for pregnant women to maintain open communication with their healthcare providers about any musculoskeletal discomfort they experience. Management of these changes often involves a combination of exercise, proper posture, supportive clothing like maternity belts, and sometimes physical therapy.

Our Pregnancy Massage Therapist Accepts All Major Health Funds

Pregnancy Massage Gold Coast

Contact Pregnancy Massage Gold Coast For More Info